Certified John C. Maxwell Coach, Trainer, Speaker
It's only because of what I've personally come through in my life, that I believe, I have the authority to speak hope and healing into lives that have been affected by child sexual abuse. From the time I can remember, a normal day was nothing but debilitating depression, anxiety, and fear. All I wanted to do was die. There was no sun. I sought God for years. Even after I was born-again, still, I seemed to miss the mark. Finally, in 2013, God got my attention and I slowly began to change from the inside out and I became a follower of Christ and not just a believer.
In 2016, God gave me, the ministry of my heart, USE ME, Tuesday. Over the last few years, I've been able to coach and mentor kids and adults who felt stuck in life, needed to pray and hear from God, or just needed to talk to someone without judgment. God began to use me prophetically. I don't feel comfortable referring to myself as a speaker. I'm just a girl who is a sharer of her faith, ready to tell the truth about how Jesus changed her life, and who wants to tell people why Jesus was sent to live and die for them. Though I shouldn't be alive today, I am because God's plan and purpose for my life was to help you. God lifted me up from my stuff, and I want to help lift you up from what keeps you down all from a Biblical perspective.
The resurrection perspective!
J. E. S. U. S. W. O. R. K. S!
The devil is a liar!
There is always HOPE!
The resurrection of JESUS from the dead made it so!
Everything is POSSIBLE in Him in you and me!
There's never a good time to give up!
You were born to LIVE!
You are WORTHY!
You are never alone!
You are LOVED!
You were made on PURPOSE!
therefore, if anyone is in christ, the new creation has come: The old is gone, the new is here! 2 corinthians 5:17
"A little rain can make
a garden grow."
denise amirante ministries